What does Player mean?

A slang term for a person who is flirtatious with many people in the attempt to have sexual relations with as many people as possible.


Other definitions of Player:

  • A pejorative term for a promiscuous person who sees nothing wrong in flirting and "playing" the field with as many people as possible. It is often considered amoral to "play" with heart strings with only sex as a goal, and especially without the person knowing you're seeking others as well.
  • A man or woman who plays with many partners, convincing each one that they are special, often as a way to sleep with as many of them as possible.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Player that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • A man is considered a player if they're out there, but a woman would be considered a slut. Does that seem right to you?

  • I'm not looking for another player in my life. I need someone stable, who's here for me.

  • Well, look at you. You're quite the playa, aren't you?


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