What does No Quema Cuh mean?

A slang expression from takuache, low-rider culture that roughly translates to "It doesn't burn" and refers to a truck's inability do burnouts.

No Quema Cuh

Other definitions of No Quema Cuh:

  • An expression used in young Mexican-American truck meet culture that means "Cannot burn, cousin" — used when talking about a truck that lacks burnout capabilities.
  • A meme saying in takuache culture that has gained popularity on Twitter. It means something akin to "this can't burn, bro" and is used as a call out at truck meets.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of No Quema Cuh that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term
No Quema Cuh:

  • Person 1: No way I'm taking my truck out today.
    Person 2: No quema cuh!

  • *times screeching in distance followed by a loud bang*


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