What does Mullet mean?

Refers to a hairstyle where the hair is longer in the back than on the top, with the sides often kept short.

Other definitions of Mullet:

  • A haircut where the back is untouched and the top and sides are cut very short. Often adopted by the hyper cool, or the very uncool.
  • A killer haircut that is popular among hipsters and rednecks. The hair is kept short on the top and sides, and very long on the back.
  • Hair that shorter on top and long in the back. If shaven on top/sides, the mullet becomes a skullet.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Mullet that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Nice mullet! Business up front, party in the back!

  • The stylist gave me a mullet I didn't ask for.

  • They got a bunch of trendy tattoos and started drinking classy beers. The mullet is what really topped off the look.


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