What does Giddy Up mean?

Slang for "get up" or "get ye up", often said to horse to inspire speed or haste. Has come to mean "Let's go" or "I'm in".

Other definitions of Giddy Up:

  • From "get thee up" — an Americanism from the early 1900s. Used with horses or livestock when kicking with spurs to make them sprint.
  • Old cowboy talk for "Let's go" or "Quickly now!", which they would say to their horses. More modernly, has come to mean "I'm in" or "I'm game".
  • Another way to say "Let's go". Can be said to a sexual partner before riding them.

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How to use the term
Giddy Up:

  • Giddy up, cowboy!

  • C'mon, we've got to catch the bus. Giddyup!

  • Giddy-up now! You don't have time to spare.

  • Giddy-up, babe!


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