What does Fiend mean?

A slang term for somebody who is addicted to something, be it a substance or an activity.


Other definitions of Fiend:

  • Somebody who craves something so bad, they would do anything to get it.
  • An evil spirit or demon — can be applied to a cruel or wicked person as well.
  • While typically has negative connotations, can describe someone who is overly enthusiastic for something or eager to accomplish a specific task.
  • From the Middle English "feend", describes someone filled with hatred. However, in the modern context, it can be applied to an addicted person. Can also been spelled "feen".

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How to use the term

  • I don't know, but he's fiending for something. Yikes.

  • That boys a fiend for them Juuls. Hope he can find his way.

  • Get your hands off me, you brutish fiend.

  • She's a fiend on that bike. How long has she been riding? Wowie.

  • You must overcome your fiendish desires.


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