What does Dumpster Fire mean?

A slang term for a complete disaster or huge mess that is so difficult to deal with, nobody wants to fix it.

Other definitions of Dumpster Fire:

  • Like an actual dumpster on fire, this slang term indicates a problem that is hard to deal with. Can be caused by poor performance or planning, but can also be completely random.
  • A disaster so complete, it is essentially trash aflame. A label for a project or performance that has gone completely off the rails.
  • A mess up so bad that no one wants to take responsibility. Similar to a trash can burning, it's hard to identify who specifically is at fault.

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How to use the term
Dumpster Fire:

  • What a dumpster fire. We should give up.

  • Roll up your sleeves. We addressing this dumpster fire.

  • Dumpster fire is a fitting term for the Capitol riot.

  • The dumpster fire was made worse when the team tried to fix it.


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