What does Dick Pic mean?

A slang term for a picture of a penis.

Dick Pic

Other definitions of Dick Pic:

  • A message that has a picture of a penis, typically the senders, attached. This can be done for many reasons, like bragging or enticing sexual relations. Hopefully, these are not unsolicited.
  • Picture(s) of dick(s). Focus is given to the penis in the picture, and it is likely used drive curiosity or tease sexual relations.
  • When a guy texts a picture of his penis to show you the gear he's working with. Often, these are unasked for, and therefore a form of harassment.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Dick Pic that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term
Dick Pic:

  • Sending dick pics does not mean you guys are in a relationship.

  • How many dick pics you got on that phone?

  • Anthony Weiner sure did get in trouble for those dick pics of his.

  • Unsolicited dick pics are an epidemic on various platforms that must be stopped. If I want to see your dick, I'll ask.


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