What does Cool Beans mean?

A slang phrase that means great, delightful, amazing, agreeable, sweet, etc.

Cool Beans

Other definitions of Cool Beans:

  • A quick phrase to show that you think something is awesome and cool.
  • Denotes something is a mix of awesome, breathtaking, cool, and just rad.
  • Stemming from the phrase "some beans", which is from "full of beans", this phrase describes something that is good or great.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Cool Beans that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term
Cool Beans:

  • Hey. What you did for me back there, that was cool beans. You're a pretty cool guy.

  • Person 1: I got my doctorate is cryogenics and legume genealogy.
    Person 2: Oh, cool beans.

  • Can I get an iced coffee? That'd be coolbeans.

  • Dude was just cool beans when he asked for consent.


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