What does Cheesy mean?

A slang term that indicates something is inferior, cheap, or inauthentic, and glaringly so.

Other definitions of Cheesy:

  • When something looks, smells, or tastes like cheese, which is formed by coagulation of the milk protein casein.
  • Something that is overly dramatic or saccharine, but is unconvincing and apparent in its attempts.
  • When somebody is trying to be smooth or attractive, but come off as ingenuine and obvious, like dishing out practiced pick up lines at bars or clubs. Very similar to cringe.

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How to use the term

  • Do not be so cheesy, dude.

  • Why does this hot dog taste cheesy?

  • This show is so cheesy. How does anyone like this?

  • The bro by the bar has been trying cheesy one-liners all night. Ugh.


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