What does Bondage mean?

Slang term for the act of restraining a consenting sexual partner, usually as part of dominant/submissive roleplay.

Other definitions of Bondage:

  • Refers to the act of being bound — this involves physical restraints for sexual gratification.
  • May refer to serfdom or slavery, being in a position of involuntary servitude.
  • In reference to BDSM, the act of physically restraining others or yourself as a form of foreplay, or during sex, in a form of power play. Some people really like being tied up as it can unlock a seemingly dangerous dynamic.

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How to use the term

  • We're into bondage play.

  • Should we try a little bondage? I got a rope set, or we could try these handcuffs.

  • I've tried bondage before, and let's just say I'm more into the SM part of BDSM.

  • Bondage is on the table, is all I'm saying. Think about it.


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