What does Blowjob mean?

A slang term for fellatio, which is oral sex with a penis.


Other definitions of Blowjob:

  • The act of sucking and manipulating a male's penis. Rumored to be from the Victorian era slang "below-job", an often requested prostitution move, the slang term did not see prolific use until the late 1940s.
  • The sexual act of using one's mouth to excite a penis or dick. While it is in the name, blowing is unlikely to occur.
  • A form of sex that involves oral sex with a penis or penises.
  • A tongue-in-cheek name for a crime that involves explosives, like blowing a bank vault open.

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How to use the term

  • If I'm giving a blowjob, he better be willing to reciprocate.

  • While it was just a blowjob, he felt so grateful that he decided to make their day.

  • We started with a blowjob, but we ended up going back to the hotel room and really exploring the space.

  • He had never given a blowjob before, so you can understand he was quite nervous.

  • Look, we have to get a skilled blower for this blow job, because those coppers are going to be on us quick.


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