What does Armbar mean?
Refers to a grappling maneuver that hyper-extends the arm to make the opponent submit.Other definitions of Armbar:
- A joint lock technique used in martial arts that targets the arm. Gives the opponent time to submit before long-lasting injury, in most cases. Can be attempted in several variations.
- A martial arts maneuver in which a person attempts to lock another persons are and stretch it painfully, willing the opponent to submit and lose the match.
- Grappling someone's arm in such a way that they give up or have a broken limb.
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How to use the term
Once the fighter had secured the armbar, the fight was over.
It looks like they're just rolling around on the floor, but they're practicing armbars.
Get him in an armbar in the next round, he's looking tired and you've got better ground game.
Wikipedia article about Armlock techniques
- A Miscellaneous that mentions "Armbar."
This detailed article goes into the history of various armbar or armlock techniques in different martial arts.
- Check it Out
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