What does MILF mean?

An slang acronym that means "Mother I'd Like to F**k"


Other definitions of MILF:

  • A shorthand way to describe a "Mother I'd Like Fucking", considered quite uncouth.
  • A term that means "Mum I'd like to fuck". Popularized by the 1999 film American Pie.
  • An ad-campaign ran by American Airlines in the mid-2000s. The acronym stood for "Many Islands, Low Fares". A tongue-in-cheek reference to the actual meaning of the acronym, the campaign employed images of women, supposedly mothers.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of MILF that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Don't say MILF. That's a completely unwelcome comment about my appearance. Stop pushing your sexuality onto me.

  • Anything -ILF, including MILF, is degrading. You're reducing people to objects.

  • Just like Freud and Oedipus, I always think about MILF.


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