What does ACAB mean?

An acronym for "All Cops Are Bastards", a political slogan associated with people who oppose the police for various reasons, like militarization, racism, or overreach.


Other definitions of ACAB:

  • A common graffiti tag that stands for "All Cops are Bastards". Conveys an extreme distrust of law enforcement. Use of the term has been prolific since the 1940s.
  • A tag or tattoo that means "All cops are bastards". Used to show resistance to police violence or oppressions, and has seen an increased use since the May 2020 murder of George Floyd by police.

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How to use the term

  • Of course he shot first, into his back, because he was in a hoodie. A.C.A.B.

  • Lots of different movements adopt ACAB into their lexicons. Many of these groups have reasons to distrust all cops.

  • He's got an ACAB tattoo on his right hand.


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