What does RNB mean?

Rhythm And Blues


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How to use the term

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More slang terms:



Slang term for a specific haircut, similar to the Casesar, that has short sides, back, and top, with a high fade or undercut. Exaggerations on the style can be seen in takuache, Mexican-American culture.



"Lyk," an abbreviation for "let you know," is a popular phrase in the realm of digital communication, particularly among younger generations who favor texting and instant messaging. This shorthand expression is used to convey the intent to provide more information or an update about a specific topic at a later time. It's a convenient, time-saving way of promising future communication without going into detail immediately. The use of "lyk" is indicative of the evolving language landscape in the digital era, where brevity and speed are often prioritized in casual conversations.

Anime Girl

Anime Girl

A slang term for a girl who talks about anime, Japenese animation, frequently.